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First and foremost, our hearts go out to all those who have been affected by COVID-19. The health and safety of our customers and employees is our top priority.

We feel it is so important to communicate that we are doing our part to practice social distancing, while remaining open and continuing operations. To be both proactive and responsive to this changing situation, we have implemented strict guidelines for workstation cleanliness, regular hand washing, respiratory etiquette, and frequent disinfecting of surfaces.

Bliss Roofing’s service department will remain open!! Since roofing services are performed outside, we feel confident that we can maintain social distancing and follow the additional recommended health guidelines put in place. We are also making the extra effort to deliver goods and supplies, limiting office time, and locking our doors as needed to lower interaction. We are eager and willing to help you with your roofing needs while following all safety precautions and procedures. Give us a call today! 503-653-6100.

We value your business and relationship. We hope your family stays safe and healthy.

— The Bliss Roofing Family