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Roof Inspection

How to Save Money With Roof Inspections

Professionals recommend getting a roof inspection at least once every two years. You might feel tempted to skip it if you don’t see visible damage, but paying for a roof inspection today could save you thousands of dollars in the future.

Catch Small Issues Early

Your roof might look fine from the ground, but roof inspectors catch issues that you might have missed. During an inspection, they’ll check your shingles, flashing, gutters and downspouts for signs of damage. They’ll also review the roof’s structure and inspect the roof from inside your house. If you have an attic, chimney or skylight, they’ll check the structural integrity.

Afterward, inspectors give you a report and discuss their findings. They’ll recommend repairs if they discover issues, such as small leaks, broken shingles, mold growth or wood rot. If necessary, you can then schedule a follow-up appointment for roofers to repair your structure.

Inspectors catch issues while they’re still minor and fixable. Waiting for visible signs of corrosion could turn a tiny leak into serious water damage or a few pests into a full-blown infestation.

Improve Energy Efficiency

If you can’t figure out why your energy bills keep spiking, an inspector might discover cracks and holes in your roof where air keeps escaping. This forces your HVAC system to work harder, driving up energy usage. Once you’ve patched these holes and insulated your roof, you’ll keep most of the air inside your house.

Boost Property Value

When you sell your house, buyers will see that you’re up to date on roof inspections, giving them peace of mind. As a result, they’re willing to pay more. Regular inspections also prevent issues that would lower your home’s property value and make it harder to sell.

Extend Your Roof’s Lifespan

Replacing an entire roof is one of the biggest and priciest undertakings. When you invest in routine inspections, you’ll increase your roof’s lifespan. A sturdy roof could last about 30 years, giving you plenty of time to save for a new one when needed.

Prevent Injuries

Roof damage could pose a threat to you and your family. Falling shingles, sagging ceilings, mold spores, rotting rafters and leaning walls may cause illnesses and injuries, which also come with medical bills. A safe, structurally sound roof protects every resident.

Avoid Emergency Fees

If your roof caves in or springs a major leak, you’ll need 24/7 emergency service to repair the issue before it causes serious property damage. However, emergency services may come with additional fees, especially if you call during bad weather or busy hours. Getting repairs ahead of time keeps you out of this situation.

When you need roof inspections, contact Bliss Roofing in Portland, OR.

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